Elon Musk Pushes a Vile, Toxic Hate Video—and Exposes His Own Scam

They shouldn’t. As Jon Favreau notes, “Demographics have not been destiny for Democrats.” Denizens of the red-pilled set sometimes treat that idea as given: They regularly insist their populist ideology appeals to nonwhite working people (including Latinos) alienated by liberal Continue reading Elon Musk Pushes a Vile, Toxic Hate Video—and Exposes His Own Scam

Vile Trump Lie, and Infamous Trump White House Denial, Are Now Confirmed

Former White House Chief of Staff John Kelly has confirmed that Donald Trump called disabled veterans “suckers” and “losers.” The Atlantic published a story in 2020 recounting Trump’s visit to France two years earlier to mark the 100th anniversary of Continue reading Vile Trump Lie, and Infamous Trump White House Denial, Are Now Confirmed