Elon Musk Pushes a Vile, Toxic Hate Video—and Exposes His Own Scam

They shouldn’t. As Jon Favreau notes, “Demographics have not been destiny for Democrats.” Denizens of the red-pilled set sometimes treat that idea as given: They regularly insist their populist ideology appeals to nonwhite working people (including Latinos) alienated by liberal elites. So why aren’t Musk and his pals eager for populist Republicans to compete for migrant turned citizen voters?

In his interview with Lemon, Musk rehashed the idea that migration is being engineered to rig congressional representation and the Electoral College. If anything, the malapportioned Senate and Electoral College inflate the power of red state and rural white voters—something Musk sort of concedes. That aside, the Constitution is what requires the counting of “all persons,” and anyway, if noncitizens were removed from the census, it would also shave House seats in GOP states like Texas and Florida. Indeed, recent noncitizen population growth has overwhelmingly been in red states, as the Cato Institute shows.

All those ideas from Musk are great replacement tropes. When Musk piously denies believing that theory, he likely means only that he doesn’t embrace the specific idea that Jewish elites are engineering mass migration to extinguish the white race (he did endorse that notion in a tweet and then apologized).

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