“You Got No Guts”: Kevin McCarthy Reportedly Shoves GOP Lawmaker

Republican infighting is so bad that lawmakers are getting into physical altercations in the halls of Congress. NPR reporter Claudia Grisales tweeted Tuesday that while she was talking to Representative Tim Burchett after the Republican conference meeting, Kevin McCarthy walked Continue reading “You Got No Guts”: Kevin McCarthy Reportedly Shoves GOP Lawmaker

“Let It Go to Voicemail”: Democrats Reportedly Ignoring Calls for Cease-Fire

Many Democratic lawmakers are telling their staff to let phone calls asking for a cease-fire in Gaza go to voicemail. At least 24 lawmakers in the House and Senate have called for a cease-fire in Gaza, but Joe Biden has Continue reading “Let It Go to Voicemail”: Democrats Reportedly Ignoring Calls for Cease-Fire

Elon Musk Reportedly Lied About How Many Monkeys His Neuralink Implant Killed

Veterinary records show that as many as a dozen monkeys had to be euthanized after they were implanted with Neuralink devices because they developed agonizing complications, WIRED reported Wednesday. The monkeys’ issues included bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and cerebral edema, Continue reading Elon Musk Reportedly Lied About How Many Monkeys His Neuralink Implant Killed