It Seems Mike Johnson May Have Lied Just so He Could Kill the Border Deal

Republican Senator James Lankford is calling B.S. on House Speaker Mike Johnson’s newest excuse for killing the border deal. After months of brutal negotiations, the Senate on Sunday unveiled a $118 billion bipartisan agreement to address security at the U.S.-Mexico Continue reading It Seems Mike Johnson May Have Lied Just so He Could Kill the Border Deal

Elon Musk Reportedly Lied About How Many Monkeys His Neuralink Implant Killed

Veterinary records show that as many as a dozen monkeys had to be euthanized after they were implanted with Neuralink devices because they developed agonizing complications, WIRED reported Wednesday. The monkeys’ issues included bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and cerebral edema, Continue reading Elon Musk Reportedly Lied About How Many Monkeys His Neuralink Implant Killed