This Is What Happens When Childcare Is Free

People have had “a little bit more breathing room in their
lives,” said Miles Tukunow, deputy director of OLÉ. He’s heard from many who
were able to enter the workforce, while others were able to focus on how to
advance in their work and even switch careers. A number of people have said
that free childcare allowed them to flee dangerous situations, such as domestic
violence or sexual abuse. “It’s been a huge deal,” he said.

Covering a co-pay is, of course, cheaper than paying the full
cost of care on the private market. But for the low-income families who
typically qualify for help, even paying a small amount can take a huge bite out
of their budget. “For families who are just scraping by, every dollar counts,”
Schulman pointed out. And for many it wasn’t just a few dollars—co-pays can
reach into the hundreds of dollars a month. “It just makes a huge difference.”

Free childcare hasn’t just been a godsend to parents and
families, though. It’s also benefited childcare providers. In some states,
providers were previously expected to collect co-pays themselves; when they
couldn’t, they often had to absorb the cost. With co-pays waived, states are
simply paying that extra amount directly to providers. That has helped New
Mexico childcare and early education providers “focus on the children,” Tukunow
said. No longer do they have to discuss co-payments and paperwork with parents
at pickup; they can instead focus on children’s development.

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