This Impeachment Will Do More to Re-Elect Biden Than Anything Biden Could Do Himself

But the second, and by far the main
one, has to do with Trump. They know very well what a morally filthy reprobate Trump
is. They know he’s a crook. They know he bilked contractors at his hotels. They
know he lies as regularly as he breathes. They know he tried to steal the 2020
election. They know he took classified documents. They know that he’s committed
sexual assault more often than they’ve had sex.

That they possess this knowledge is
precisely why they have to dirty up Biden. They have to confuse the country’s
swing voters into not being sure which candidate is the more corrupt. They have
to get low-information voters to think, “Well, you know, they both seem
pretty skuzzy to me.” But they are, at all times, telling on themselves.

How uplifting to democracy! And
what an honorable vocation! These people are disgusting. And next November,
they’ll see that the American people agree. I’m old enough to remember how
badly the 1998 impeachment of Bill Clinton backfired against the Republicans. At
least then, they could point to a semblance of wrongdoing—though it was
something more distasteful than criminal. Today, they have nothing. And the
American people, outside of Kerrville and Joplin and Twin Falls, know it.

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