Two Supreme Court Justices Favor Zombie Law From 1873 to Ban Abortion

The Comstock Act gets shorthanded as an anti-obscenity law—which it is—but it’s also an anti-abortion law, making it a crime to use the mail to send or receive any device or object that could cause an abortion. Legal scholars have Continue reading Two Supreme Court Justices Favor Zombie Law From 1873 to Ban Abortion

The Zombie Law Trump Wants to Use to Ban Abortion Nationwide

Dickson, Mitchell’s partner in Comstock, told Littlefield that such ordinances were “de facto” bans on abortion, achieved by prohibiting clinics  use of the mail. “If an abortion facility cannot receive abortion-inducing drugs or any abortion paraphernalia,” he explained, “then how Continue reading The Zombie Law Trump Wants to Use to Ban Abortion Nationwide