Meet the Woman Running on Her Agonizing Abortion Story—in Alabama

Donald Trump just announced that he’s likely to campaign for the presidency on a promise of a 15-week abortion ban, even as political commentators are wondering whether reproductive rights will be as salient this fall as they were in 2022 Continue reading Meet the Woman Running on Her Agonizing Abortion Story—in Alabama

How Texas Tried to Torture a Woman for Being Pregnant

Damla Carson, Cox’s physician in Dallas, told the court that she had concluded that a dilation-and-evacuation abortion is medically recommended to preserve Cox’s health and future fertility. “Dr. Karsan, however, cannot risk liability under Texas’s abortion bans and laws for Continue reading How Texas Tried to Torture a Woman for Being Pregnant

Texas Woman Bullied by Ken Paxton Forced to Flee State to Get Abortion

A Texas woman who was pleading the courts for an emergency abortion—and who was personally and repeatedly targeted by Attorney General Ken Paxton—has been forced out-of-state in order to receive critical care. Kate Cox has been the center of a Continue reading Texas Woman Bullied by Ken Paxton Forced to Flee State to Get Abortion

Superbug crisis: How a woman saved her husband’s life

CNN  —  In February 2016, infectious disease epidemiologist Steffanie Strathdee was holding her dying husband’s hand, watching him lose an exhausting fight against a deadly superbug infection. After months of ups and downs, doctors had just told her that her Continue reading Superbug crisis: How a woman saved her husband’s life