Nikki Haley Ends Her Week of Saying Stupid Things With a Gift to Trump

Still, while state Democrats celebrated Boebert’s decision, it’s unclear whether the Democratic candidate for the 3rd district, Adam Frisch, can win without Boebert as his foil. The last time the district elected a Democrat was in 2008; Frisch came close Continue reading Nikki Haley Ends Her Week of Saying Stupid Things With a Gift to Trump

The House GOP’s Crazy Week Gets Even Weirder With George Santos Tirade

Increasingly obsolete themes she has noticed in news media include longer articles, dense newsletters, and unbalanced coverage. McGowan is specifically concerned with how organizations cover inaccurate sides of a story for the sake of appearing neutral. She also believes there is Continue reading The House GOP’s Crazy Week Gets Even Weirder With George Santos Tirade

Climate Week Is Pointless. The Protests Inspired by It Aren’t.

Last week, as a prelude to Climate Week, hundreds of climate activists staged demonstrations on Wall Street, targeting the financial industry—specifically CitiBank and BlackRock, both of which continue to invest massively in the fossil fuel industry— with confrontational direct action. Continue reading Climate Week Is Pointless. The Protests Inspired by It Aren’t.