Mike Johnson’s Disturbing Ties to Slavery-Defending Christian Nationalists

Mike Johnson’s ties to Christian nationalism are well documented, but a new report reveals his long-standing connection to a particularly extremist strain of Christianity—and the House speaker’s refusal to disavow it should be a source of major concern. An investigation Continue reading Mike Johnson’s Disturbing Ties to Slavery-Defending Christian Nationalists

Convicted Felon With Alleged Neo-Nazi Ties Allowed to Stay on GOP Ballot

“The jurors go by number, and they were instructed to not use their names, even with each other … and that is an extraordinary step, even in a criminal case—but that is the kind of measure that I think you’re Continue reading Convicted Felon With Alleged Neo-Nazi Ties Allowed to Stay on GOP Ballot

Speaker Mike Johnson’s Right-Wing Ties Keep Getting Stranger and Scarier

Santos did, however, lie about his professional, academic, and athletic background. He has falsely claimed that his grandparents were Holocaust survivors, his mother died in the 9/11 attacks, and four of his employees were killed in the Pulse nightclub shooting. Continue reading Speaker Mike Johnson’s Right-Wing Ties Keep Getting Stranger and Scarier