Mitch McConnell’s Craven Surrender to Trump: Yet Another MAGA Low

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is on the verge of pulling the plug on any hopes for a bipartisan deal that includes funding for border security and aid to Ukraine. The culprit? Donald Trump, who has been urging Republicans to Continue reading Mitch McConnell’s Craven Surrender to Trump: Yet Another MAGA Low

Iowa 2024: This Isn’t a Primary Process. It’s a Surrender of Will.

Still, let’s not fool ourselves here. Trump has won Iowa easily. And he benefits greatly from the tight DeSantis-Haley finish, because it means they’ll both stay in, splitting the non-Trump vote. So in a matter of days, he will win Continue reading Iowa 2024: This Isn’t a
Primary Process. It’s a Surrender of Will.

Donald “Never Surrender” Trump Surrenders Two Major Lawsuits in 24 Hours

“The President’s motivations are not for the prosecution or this Court to decide,” the filing said. “Rather, where, as here, the President’s actions are within the ambit of his office, he is absolutely immune from prosecution.” Trump is unlikely to Continue reading Donald “Never Surrender” Trump Surrenders Two Major Lawsuits in 24 Hours