Newsom Needs to Find Someone to Replace Dianne Feinstein ASAP

Naturally, Newsom doesn’t have to actually keep his promise about appointing a Black woman. In 2021, when Kamala Harris resigned from her Senate seat to become vice president, Newsom appointed Alex Padilla, who became the state’s first Latino senator. But Continue reading Newsom Needs to Find Someone to Replace Dianne Feinstein ASAP

Gavin Newsom Pulverizes DeSantis’s Loopy Lies About California Crime

“I think people are getting a little exhausted by the fact that we’re focusing on New York’s crime rate and not the crime in these other Republican-led cities in Republican states,” Newsom said. “Crime is a real issue, but I Continue reading Gavin Newsom Pulverizes DeSantis’s Loopy Lies About California Crime