Anti-Choice Lawyer Makes Huge Slip-Up in SCOTUS Abortion Pill Case

The lawyer arguing the case against the abortion pill mifepristone in the Supreme Court made a major mistake Tuesday, when she let slip that the drug has only caused complications “dozens of times.” Erin Hawley, who is married to Republican Continue reading Anti-Choice Lawyer Makes Huge Slip-Up in SCOTUS Abortion Pill Case

Chris Christie Responds to Critics By Setting Huge Pile of Money on Fire

To gain traction in the Republican presidential primary, Chris Christie has gone all out by going all in—specifically, with a massive ad campaign in New Hampshire that he hopes might fan the dying flames of his presidential run. But seeing Continue reading Chris Christie Responds to Critics By Setting Huge Pile of Money on Fire

The Huge, Hilarious Mistake in James Comer’s New Biden Corruption Claim

House Republicans released more of Hunter Biden’s bank records on Monday, claiming they showed illicit payments to his father, Joe Biden. In reality, the documents likely showed repayments for a truck. Republicans have claimed for months that Biden has benefited Continue reading The Huge, Hilarious Mistake in James Comer’s New Biden Corruption Claim

Rudy Giuliani Was a Huge Creep Even on January 6, Ex-Trump Aide Says

Noelle Dunphy accused Giuliani of promising to pay her a $1 million annual salary but instead raping and sexually abusing her over the course of two years. Her lawsuit alleges that Giuliani was constantly drunk, talked openly about trying to Continue reading Rudy Giuliani Was a Huge Creep Even on January 6, Ex-Trump Aide Says

Judge Hearing Florida Abortion-Ban Case Has a Huge Conflict of Interest

Unfortunately, even despite Canady’s refusal to recuse himself, the rest of the court does not offer much more hope. Another justice, Meredith Sasso, is married to DeSantis loyalist Michael Sasso. DeSantis appointed Michael Sasso as vice chairman of the controversial Continue reading Judge Hearing Florida Abortion-Ban Case Has a Huge Conflict of Interest