Texas’s Middle Finger to the Federal Government—and the Constitution

“Under this novel system, the State of Texas has created its own immigration entry and re-entry crimes; state police arrest noncitizens for alleged violations of these crimes; state prosecutors bring charges in state courts; state judges order deportation; and state Continue reading Texas’s Middle Finger to the Federal Government—and the Constitution

Footage Reveals How the Koch Network Plans to Gut Federal Agencies

Dead or alive, the Koch brothers continue to have an iron grip on American politics. The Koch network, an arm of right-wing organizations cultivated by David and Charles Koch, have been working overtime to gut federal agencies that impact Koch Continue reading Footage Reveals How the Koch Network Plans to Gut Federal Agencies

“Unconstitutionally Vague”: Federal Judge Smacks Down Texas’s Drag Ban

A federal judge ruled Tuesday that Texas’s drag ban law is unconstitutional, and permanently blocked all state officials from enforcing the measure. Governor Greg Abbott signed the extreme law in June, making Texas the fourth Republican-led state to enact such Continue reading “Unconstitutionally Vague”: Federal Judge Smacks Down Texas’s Drag Ban

Biden’s Best Path to a Pro-Worker Economy Runs Through the Federal Trade Commission

In addition, the FTC should use its statutory powers to rein in mistreatment of workers in the so-called “gig economy” and other “fissured” workplaces, where employers disclaim employment responsibilities for workers they control. Since the late 1970s, corporations have exploited Continue reading Biden’s Best Path to a Pro-Worker Economy Runs Through the Federal Trade Commission