Fox News Brutally Fact-Checks Peter Navarro Speech at Prison Doors

Former Trump White House aide Peter Navarro made one last stand in front of television crews on Tuesday mere moments before getting thrown in the clink—but his fiery speech, framed to aid himself and the former president, was interrupted by Continue reading Fox News Brutally Fact-Checks Peter Navarro Speech at Prison Doors

Fox News Crime Segment Ends in Humiliation for Brutally Roasted Reporter

The law criminalized any performances that occurred or could have occurred in front of a minor if they are of a sexual nature. Performers could be charged with a misdemeanor (and face up to one year in jail, a $4,000 Continue reading Fox News Crime Segment Ends in Humiliation for Brutally Roasted Reporter

Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutally Mocked After Yom Kippur Tweet Gaffe

Veterinary records show that as many as a dozen monkeys had to be euthanized after they were implanted with Neuralink devices because they developed agonizing complications, WIRED reported Wednesday. The monkeys’ issues included bloody diarrhea, partial paralysis, and cerebral edema, Continue reading Marjorie Taylor Greene Brutally Mocked After Yom Kippur Tweet Gaffe