The Sketchy Career of an Anti-Abortion Doctor in the Mifepristone Case

But Johnson dragged out the case for more than a year, into his first months of elected office. His lawyers (along with lawyers for the hospital) asked for and were granted four extensions, claiming they needed more time to conduct Continue reading The Sketchy Career of an Anti-Abortion Doctor in the Mifepristone Case

The Terrifying Global Reach of the American Anti-Abortion Movement

With the House controlled by Republicans, the Senate by Democrats, and an election looming, there is virtually no chance either bill will become law. Editar Ochieng didn’t tell her parents about her rape and pregnancy and didn’t go to a Continue reading The Terrifying Global Reach of the American Anti-Abortion Movement

Alabama’s Unhinged Embryo Ruling Shows Where the Anti-Abortion Movement Is Headed

Where might this ruling take us in this legal era following the Dobbs decision—an era already marked by uncertainty as if by design? (Some media coverage so far has unfortunately only fed the uncertainty, mistakenly referring to “frozen eggs” rather Continue reading Alabama’s Unhinged Embryo Ruling Shows Where the Anti-Abortion Movement Is Headed

Trump’s Lawyer at SCOTUS Today Helped Craft Texas Anti-Abortion Law

The ruling was “masterful because it combined so many elements” like “constitutional text, judicial precedent, history, and just sheer logic and the party’s own concessions—Trump’s own concessions—just to make an absolutely cohesive whole opinion that just inexorably leads you to Continue reading Trump’s Lawyer at SCOTUS Today Helped Craft Texas Anti-Abortion Law

How Democrats and Anti-Abortion Groups Found Common Ground

The deal has received endorsements from several anti-abortion organizations, including Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, Students for Life Action, and the National Association of Evangelicals. It also earned the endorsement of former Speaker Newt Gingrich, who included a vision of Continue reading How Democrats and Anti-Abortion Groups Found Common Ground

The 113-Year-Old Law Behind Anti-Abortion Activists’ Latest Scheme

This is not the first time anti-abortion activists have repurposed Victorian-era law post-Dobbs as part of their effort to further criminalize abortion. Reviving old laws is all the rage for the post-Roe anti-abortion movement in their efforts to squash further Continue reading The 113-Year-Old Law Behind Anti-Abortion Activists’ Latest Scheme

Voters Keep Stomping the Anti-Abortion Movement at the Ballot Box

And the amendment’s text went even further to constrain Ohioans’ ability to amend the state constitution. Under the state’s current rules, a constitutional amendment has to gain a certain number of signatures from 44 Ohio counties. Issue 1 would have Continue reading Voters Keep Stomping the Anti-Abortion Movement at the Ballot Box

Ohio Republicans’ Rotten Anti-Abortion Plan Just Suffered a Major Setback

Abortion rights advocates in Ohio have officially secured enough signatures to put an amendment protecting abortion on the ballot in November. Republicans are doing everything they can to prevent Ohioans from enshrining the right to abortion in the state constitution, Continue reading Ohio Republicans’ Rotten Anti-Abortion Plan Just Suffered a Major Setback