One of Many: Rudy Giuliani Officially Surrenders to Arrest in Georgia

Rudy Giuliani was arrested Wednesday in Georgia for trying to overturn the state’s 2020 election results—after agreeing to a whopping $150,000 bond.

Giuliani was indicted alongside Donald Trump and 17 other co-defendants on charges of felony racketeering for their role in efforts to overturn the results of the presidential election in Georgia. The former New York mayor is now the fourth Trump lawyer to turn himself in, a day after John Eastman and just hours after Kenneth Chesebro and Ray Smith.

Giuliani insists that he and the rest of Team Trump have done nothing wrong, but instead are sticking up for voters’ rights. But they allegedly actually tried to take voters’ rights away by ignoring legitimate election results.

This is just the latest of Giuliani’s legal troubles. His former associate Noelle Dunphy sued him in May, accusing him of promising to pay her a $1 million annual salary but instead raping and sexually abusing her over the course of two years. Her lawsuit alleges that Giuliani was constantly drunk, talked openly about trying to overturn the 2020 election, and even plotted to sell pardons with Donald Trump at the low, low price of $2 million each.

As the legal battles drag on, Giuliani is increasingly hurting for cash. He visited Mar-a-Lago in April to beg Trump to help pay all of Giuliani’s legal bills. Part of the problem is that Trump is simply refusing to pay Giuliani for all of his work as Trump’s personal attorney.

Rather than pay up, Trump will instead host a dinner event in September to fundraise for Giuliani’s legal fees. Tickets will cost $100,000 per person. With Giuliani facing hundreds of thousands of dollars in legal costs, perhaps the hope is that just a few people will need to show up in order to make a dent.

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